Minggu, 31 Maret 2013


NPM : 28210416
KELAS : 3 EB 03

a foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country
where should this visitor go run that day?
user specific reason and example to support your choice

My Opinion:
I would advise foreign visitors to the beautiful places in this country Indonesia as one of the beautiful city of Yogyakarta in Indonesia, I would suggest that foreign visitors to the city of Yogyakarta that reason I invite visitors to the city of Yogyakarta because there is a lot of beauty, nature of culture to the cultural city of Yogyakarta is very strong so far, and so much history there is a legacy of the temple of Borobudur, Prambanan, etc. in addition to the city of Yogyakarta also has a nature that is so beautiful, so many mountains are so beautiful, and so much natural beach yogyakarta so beautiful. on the north side of the volcano there standing proud with kindness and cons on the lives of the people of Yogyakarta. on the south side there Parangtritis with all the mysteries and stories. row of hills with caves river flowing in it, of course, adds to the beauty of Yogyakarta on the east side of the temple there are figures prambanan Jongrang roro and Bondowoso tragic love story. on the west side there is a row of hills that make inspired many artists. Kiskendo cave and stretching various agricultural plantations, really makes Yogyakarta as an inspirational book that has never finished reading if you live in the area, especially near sleman of Kaliurang, cool mountain air and the cold will always be a loyal friend who sometimes make the body do not get out of the contest warm blanket.
when it comes to the city of Yogyakarta lot of natural beauty and culture come to learn, then I invite foreign visitors to the city of Yogyakarta

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